Last week, the seventh round of EU-US negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) took place between 29th September and 3rd October in Chevy Chace, Maryland, USA. The American Dairy industry bemoaned the €1.3 billion euro deficit in dairy trade between US and EU dairy, and are afraid of more EU product coming in under a TTIP. They also gave put about Geographical Indicators (GIs) and the ‘onerous customs measures and certification requirements that complicate getting dairy goods into Europe’.

The American’s also went on the offensive over EU food standards and the application in Europe of the ‘Precautionary Principle’ where the EU is allowed impose bans on the basis of consumer choice. This principle is especially important in the GMO and hormone debates. ICOS are to meet commission officials in Brussels this week for a debrief of the round.

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